With a master’s degree from the “London School of Economics and Political Science” in 1971, Ambassador Rubens Barbosa held many positions in the Brazilian Government and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Secretary of International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance; Ambassador of Brazil to the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI); Undersecretary-General for Integration, Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Coordinator of the Brazilian Section of the Mercosur Group; Main negotiator for Brazil in the Uruguay Round in the then GATT until 1999. He was Ambassador of Brazil in London from January 1994 to June 1999 and in Washington from June 1999 to March 2004. He held the position of President of the Association of Café (APPC) in London for five years. He writes regularly in the State of São Paulo, in addition to essays and four books, including: Panorama Seen from London, which deals with foreign and economic policy; Latin American Economic Integration and The Mercosur Codes, published by the “British Institute of International and Comparative Law”, Editor and Organizer of “O Brasil dos Brasilianistas”, Mercosur and Regional Integration, O Dissenso of Washington (2011) and National Interest and Future Vision (2012). President of the Institute of International Relations and Foreign Trade (IRICE), President of the Brazilian Wheat Industry Association (ABITRIGO), he is also a business consultant with an extensive network of knowledge in the public and private sector and holds, among others, the positions of President of Honor of the Superior Council of Foreign Trade of FIESP and member of several other Councils, such as the company CSU Digital S.A and Veirano Advogados or the Association of Foreign Trade of Brazil (AEB). He is a member of Gacint – USP’s International Conjuncture Analysis Group, President Emeritus of CEBEU – Brazil Business Council – United States. Editor in charge of the Revista Interesse Nacional. He was not subject to the effects of any criminal conviction, any conviction or application of a penalty in an administrative proceeding before the CVM and any final and unappealable conviction, in the judicial or administrative sphere, that would have caused the suspension or disqualification for the practice of any professional activity or business, thus being duly qualified to practice their professional activities. He was not subject to the effects of any criminal conviction, any conviction or application of a penalty in an administrative proceeding before the CVM and any final and unappealable conviction, in the judicial or administrative sphere, that would have caused the suspension or disqualification for the practice of any professional activity or business, thus being duly qualified to practice their professional activities. It is not considered a Politically Exposed Person, as defined in CVM Instruction 301/99, and, after analysis by the Board of Directors, its classification as independent was ratified pursuant to Articles 16 and 17 of the Novo Mercado Regulation.