Board of Directors

According to CSU’s Bylaws, the Company’s Board of Directors may be composed of five to nine members. Board members are elected by the shareholders at an Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for a two-year term, with the possibility of re-election.

Under Brazilian Corporate Law, Board members are prevented from voting at Shareholders’ Meetings, nor may they take part in any transaction or business that may conflict with the interests of the Company.

The Board of Directors is responsible, as a collegiate body, for establishing policies and general business guidelines, including long-term strategies, and for electing the members of the Board of Executive Officers and supervising its work, as well as those activities determined by law and the Company’s Bylaws.

The Board of Executive Officers is responsible for administering business in general and carrying out all necessary or convenient acts, as well as executing the resolutions of the Board of Directors. The members of the Executive Board have individual responsibilities appropriate to the positions they occupy.

The relationship between the Board of Directors and the Executive Board is in line with the good practices of corporate governance adopted by the Company and expressed in its Bylaws and the Listing Rules of the Novo Mercado. These practices seek to reduce conflicts of interest and are aimed at ensuring transparency, accountability and equal treatment for all shareholders.

Name Position
Antonio Kandir Independent Chairman
Antonio Martins Fadiga Independent Member
Marcos Ribeiro Leite Member
Rubens Antonio Barbosa Independent Member
Ricardo José Ribeiro Leite Member

Executive Officers

Name Position
Marcos Ribeiro Leite CEO
Pedro Alvarenga d’Almeida Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Fabiano Agante Droguetti Officer without specific designation

Audit Committee

Name Position
Antônio Kandir Independent Member of the Board of Directors
João Carlos Matias Audit Committee Coordinator
Sérgio Luiz da Silva Ribeiro Experienced member in corporate accounting