• CSU was the first company in its industry to go public.
  • Since 2006, the Company’s shares have been traded (under ticker symbol “CSUD3”) on the B3 Novo Mercado listing segment, which represents the highest level of corporate governance.
  • CSU is controlled by Greeneville Delaware LLC, controlled indirectly by the Company’s CEO, Marcos Ribeiro Leite.
  • CSU’s described capital consists of 41.8 million common shares (ON).
  • The following table sets forth the principal holders of CSU outstanding common shares and their respective shareholding.


Controlling 22,683,151 54.3%
           Greeneville Delaware LLC 22,591,192 54.1%
           Marcos Ribeiro Leite 91,959 0.2%
Management 48,414 0.1%
Free Float  18,546,100 44.4%
           Real Investor Gestão de Recursos Ltda.* 3,852,547 9.2%
            Other Shareholders 14,693,553 35.2%
Treasury 522,335 1.2%
TOTAL CSUD3 41,800,000 100.00%

Base date: 06/30/2024